What we provide

Health Certificate

What are the requirements

  1. Application how to write a conclusion for a dbq Form, completely filled out
  2. Community Tax Certificate (cedula) of the current year
  3. Official Receipt (OR) of the application fee of Php50 for new, Php100 for renewal, late, lost or damage card (Code 613-7)
  4. Normal Official Result of:
    • Chest x-ray or Sputum test done in the last 6mos
    • Fecalysis done in the last 3mos
    • Urinalysis done in the last 3mos
    • Additional tests done in how to write a personal narrative essay for high school the last 12mos:
      • For conductors, drivers, guards, teachers, etc., Drug and Neuro-Psychiatric tests
      • For pink card applicants, Hepatitis B test
      • For applicants below 18yrs old, Parental Consent and ID

How much does it cost

  • Php 50 for new application
  • Php 50 for renewal, late or from lost or damaged card

Who can avail

ALL who are employed in any business establishment (employers and employees)

Other Services

  • Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals
    1. Maternal Care Program
    2. Family Planning Program
    3. Expanded Program On Immunization
    4. Nutrition Program
    5. Infant Young Child Feeding Program (IYCF)
    6. Complementary Feeding Program
    7. STI, HIV & AIDS

    8. Malaria Prevention & Control Program

    9. Tuberculosis Prevention & Control Program
  • COMMUNICABLE DISEASES – Diseases for Prevention & Control
    1. Dengue Prevention & Control Program
    2. Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis & Other professional Essay Writers Parasitoses Prevention & Control Program
    3. Pneumonia & Other ARI Prevention Program
    4. Food-borne & Water-Borne Diseases Prevention & Control Program
    5. Dental & Periodontal Infections Prevention Program
    6. Meningococcemia
  • COMMUNICABLE DISEASES – Diseases for Elimination/Eradication
    1. Rabies Elimination Program
    2. Leprosy Elimination Program
    3. Schistosomiasis Eliminatin Program
    4. Filariasis Elimination Program
    5. Immunizable Diseases
    6. Measles
      • Tetanus
      • Diptheria
      • Pertussis
      • Poliomyelitis
      • Hepatitis B
  • COMMUNICABLE DISEASES – Emerging-Re-emerging Infections
    1. Enterovirus EV71
    1. Lifestyle Related Diseases
      • Cardiovascular & Diabetes
      • Cancer
    2. Diseases of the Kidney & the Urinary Tract
    3. Mental Health & Mental Disorders
    4. Substance Abuse
    5. Accidents & Injuries
    6. Blindness
    7. Healthy Cities Initiative
    1. Occupational health Risk
    2. Disasters & Emergencies
    3. Climate Change
    1. Adolescent & Youth
    2. Elderly
    3. Persons with Disability
    1. Population Management Program
    2. Laboratory Services
    3. Medico-Legal Services
    4. Environmental Sanitation Program
    5. Dispensary Essay Writers Clinic
    6. Paquibato District Hospital
    7. Anti-Smoking Program
    8. Davao City Birthing Facility (Tibungco)
    9. Chest Center
    10. Animal Bite Center
    11. Reproductive Health and Wellness Center